The Line Academy is a world-wide virtual platform, established in 2021, which aims to equip aspirant language seekers from across the globe with multilingual proficiency. We stand apart from the existing plethora of online resources by our indigenous and simplified teaching methods. Making use of creative and innovative strategies, we provide ample opportunities for those who are looking for directions on their linguistic quest.
Vision & Mission
Our polyglot platform enables the student to achieve expertise in various languages from a single venue. For that same purpose, we are blessed with the expertise of highly qualified trainers. We believe that learning a language directly from native speakers is important, so as to add perfection to the learner’s linguistic skills. We help the students connect with such native speakers whom we are partnered with. Also, our courses are designed specifically to
assist the pupils develop high income skills. To top it all, we provide all of these services at a relatively lower and manageable cost.